Find our full breakdown of advertising costs at the bottom of this page!

We are delighted to be offering opportunities to advertise in the WestFest brochure and website.

50,000 copies of the WestFest brochure will be produced and distributed widely across the West End and central belt by our street team from mid April – June. It is estimated that these will be read by around 250,000 people.

Distribution will be intense through conventional distribution to shops, cafes, restaurants, bars, supermarkets, libraries, community facilities and even west end underground stations. 

We will distribute in major stores such as Waitrose & Sainsburys, SPT, University of Glasgow and Glasgow libraries & museums. 

We aim to get the brochure into as many places as possible!

The programme will also be available on our website, where we can place your company logo with a direct link to your home page if you take a full page.

This year’s brochure will be in A5 format. The available advert sizes are shown on the form enclosed. A full page is £800; a half page is £450, a quarter page is £300.

To guarantee your advertisement in the brochure, please complete the online form we will be in touch shortly to confirm your advert and invoice for payment. (If you need an invoice in advance, please let us know asap).

The deadline for artwork and payment is 5pm on Monday 8th April.

Publication date is the week of 15th April.

Advertising Options

Select an option in the form below

Full page portrait: 

138mm(w) x 200mm (h)

no bleed


1/2 page landscape:

138mm(w) x 97mm (h)

no bleed


1/2 page portrait:

65mm (w) x 200mm (h)

no bleed


1/4 page portrait

65mm (w) x 97 mm (h)

no bleed


Please fill out your details using the link below and we’ll be in touch shortly to discuss your advert.

Paper Copies

Should you require a paper copy of the form to be completed and returned, or our letter to advertisers, please find them linked below.