Joyworks – Let’s Prove It With Laughter Yoga!

Glasgow Theosophical Society 17 queens Crescent, Glasgow

Laughter truly is the best medicine! Come along and join the pioneers of Laughter therapy in Scotland! Join us for an energising yet relaxing sixty minutes of unbridled fun in this unforgettable natural high event and leave feeling good about the world and its people. Fb: £15 / Student £10


Breathe Wellbeing, Confidence and Joy Into Your World

Glasgow Theosophical Society 17 queens Crescent, Glasgow

A fun day of talks and workshops on ways to bring health, well-being, confidence and peace into your world. The Power of Breath and the Power of Now, Nutrition, You are What You Eat, Sounding out your world with Singing Bowls, Cellular memory and what your Dreams are telling you, Creative Expression and your Inner […]
