The City of Glasgow Chorus presents SING INTO SUMMER

St John's Renfield Church 22 Beaconsfield Road

The programme of choral music includes pieces from the baroque period to the present day, rounding off with a Medley from Les Miserables. Something for all the family to enjoy. We will welcome our special guests 'The Pops Chorale' from Placer County, California Fb: cityofglasgowchorus £15 / STUDENTS & UNDER 18'S £10



St John's Renfield Church 22 Beaconsfield Road

Would you like to attend a World Premiere? Come along to our summer concert for the first performance of 'Tango Mass' composed by our MD Au Arias. Hear traditional 'old world' movements of a Mass set to 'new world' tango rhythms. We're combining this with some well-loved pieces - 'Caledonia - songs from Scotland and […]


The Mackintosh Choir Summer Concert

St John's Renfield Church 22 Beaconsfield Road

Our summer concert is a lovely mix of classical and popular music with something for everyone. It features music by classical composers from Bruckner to Verdi; modern composers from Bob Chilcott to John Rutter; some well-loved Scottish pieces and the world premiere of the “Credo” from the Tango Mass by Au Arias our musical director. […]

Free – £10

From Classic to Pop – A choral celebration!

St John's Renfield Church 22 Beaconsfield Road

Join the world-renowned City of Glasgow Chorus singing music from Verdi’s Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves to Eva Cassidy’s haunting Autumn Leaves. Featuring music from classical to pop, this concert has something for all the family to enjoy.

£6 – £12.50