Transcendental Meditation – What’s the Difference?

Woodlands Workspace 66 Ashley Street

Fraught with stress? Consider Transcendental Meditation. It’s natural, scientifically verified and easy to learn. Practised for 20 minutes twice a day. Close the eyes and transcend to find comfort in your own inner silence – not escaping, but going to deeper levels where the pressures of life don’t intrude. Enjoy profound rest. Health, clarity and […]


What? Learn to meditate – Me?

Woodlands Workspace 66 Ashley Street

Does the idea of meditating feel overwhelming to you - like yet another thing to do? If so you need to come along to our free introductory talk on Transcendental Meditation™. We’ll explain how this simple technique gives profound rest; dissolving stress and restoring balance, clarity and energy, and is scientifically verified. Join us!
